Friday, January 17, 2014

Oh, baby! Week 22 (Post #4)

I can't believe I haven't been on here in so long.  Well, I CAN believe it.. because I don't have the best track record of keeping up with my blog.  Anyway..  Let's catch up!

First of all..
My pregnancy has been so awesome.  Haven't had one instance of nausea, my skin is radiant (Now. - Compared to earlier with my hormonal acne), & I seem to be gaining weight at a steady pace.  

Before Christmas, Sergio (the hubby) & I went to an ultrasound office to see if we could find out the gender of the baby.  We did, & I was surprised!!  My husband's guess was right and since we had made a bet regarding the gender of the baby and I lost, I now have take him to any restaurant of his choosing.  

We spent Christmas Eve with his family.  And Christmas morning, we were able to spend it with mine.  For both families, we gave different gifts, but one was identical.  A gender reveal!  I filled a big box with balloons in the corresponding color of the baby's gender with an ornament attached at the bottom that had the ultrasound & some confetti in it.

It was executed wonderfully.  None of them suspected that we had found out the gender and were actually going to announce it to them that day.   And yes....   It's a BOY!!! 

I've also just taken a couple photos of myself.  I definitely need to start taking more or I'll really regret it.

18 weeks 

And here's a belly shot as of today:
22 weeks 

I've purchased some maternity clothes recently.  I just cannot go any longer with trying to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans.  They've been stretched to their limit - Literally.  I tried to look for dresses but I couldn't really find any that I was ecstatic about.   So what I did was, in order to look like I have an extensive wardrobe for my current physical condition, I just invested in a couple good pairs of maternity jeans, some maternity leggings, and  bras.  I plan on mixing and matching maternity pants with shirts that I already own. 

Let me tell you, the pants that I purchased are sooooooo comfortable.  I feel like I can actually breathe now.  And well, the bras are so-so.  I bought a sleeping bra which is the most comfortable thing on earth, but the nursing bra is only comfortable for a certain period of time.  It's because it has an underwire and after a while I can really feel the wires digging into my skin.  I don't know - I'm pretty sure I have the right size so maybe that's just something I need to just get used to.
That's about it! 18 weeks to go.  I've finally passed the halfway point,  I actually look pregnant now (as opposed to just bloated), and I couldn't be more thrilled!!!  I think belly bumps are so pretty & I'm looking forward to this time of feeling good and feeling pretty.   

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Oh, Baby!! Week 8 (Post #3)

I've found that my pregnancy seems rather uneventful compared to others.  I still have no morning sickness or any real issues that are truly bothersome..  Which I am VERY thankful for!!  Let's keep it up, baby!  I did have hormonal acne all across my jawline for a couple weeks which was both ugly & painful.. but that has since gone away this past week.  Also, I'm still continuously living in my sports bra.  I wear one morning & night.  When I did try to sleep without one, I woke up feeling sooo, soooo sore.  So I'm not making that mistake again.

My doctor's appointment went well.  I was given an estimate of how far along I was which is exactly what my phone apps had predicted.  They said that when they do an ultrasound, they'll get a more exact reading of how many preggers I am. 

I do have one annoyance.  My emotions are an absolute roller coaster lately & I have such a short fuse.  Sometimes I just feel like there is smoke literally coming out of my ears because of how upset I am.  My husband patiently avoids me until I've cooled off..  I stay mad for a while but then I wake up the next morning & in retrospect don't even think it was a big deal at all.  I'm an emotional wreck.  My husband does say & do something things that he knows bother me.. Before it bothered me & of course, my pregnancy hormones have it REALLY bothering me now.. but I need to remember that this is the man I married.   No one is perfect.  I certainly am not.  I love him unconditionally; as he, me.  He does need to understand though.. I'm more sensitive now than ever before.  And even though a belly bump isn't showing yet, I am growing a child inside me & it is a shocking, unusual, emotional experience that this first time mom has never encountered, & he never will.  Recognize!!

I watched that movie yesterday "What To Expect When You're Expecting".  I've seen it before but I thought I would understand it more this time around, AND I TOTALLY DO!!  I'm feeling lethargic, moody, and so misunderstood!!... but this movie helped ease my grief.  

Til next time. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oh, baby!! Week 5 (Post #2)

September 20, 2013
I've uploaded some pregnancy apps onto my phone & according to them all, I am 5 weeks preggers.  I have a doctor's appointment this next Wednesday, September 25th, so we'll get that info confirmed. 

This week has really been no different than any other.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm pregnant because I don't really have any constant physical reminders.   I haven't really had any big pregnancy 1st trimester symptoms.  Nothing unbearable.  Not one second of nausea/morning sickness (Thank God!!!).. The act of vomiting makes me literally cry.   I did experience some craziness with my emotions in the couple days following the knowledge of our little bundle of joy on the way.  Lots of crying.  "Happy" crying.  "Scared" crying.  "My life is totally different now" crying.  I attribute the tears with the shock of it all rather than being pregnant, though. 

I HAVE continuously had sore breasts.  I am wearing a sports bra today and might wear one consistently until the pain gets a little bit relieved.  I had a hard time sleeping in a comfortable position because of the pain so I ended up wearing a sports bra to bed as well, & that has helped.

Speaking of sleep!!  I have been having the most vivid, interesting dreams lately!  It's like I'm living in a novela come night time, & it is quite entertaining.  I can even remember the details of the dreams for the most part.  Strange, because I'm one that doesn't remember her dreams often, if at all.

Another thing,..  Bloat! I don't know if I'm bloated or if I just need to get it together health-wise.  I admit that I did pig out on bad food since I found out, thinking I no longer need to be on a "diet".. but then I realized, "What am I doing?... When my baby is born, I am not going to feed him/her this stuff.  It's no good!!  Why am I feeding him/her this now??"...   So I'm trying to eat like I did before but even healthier.   More veggies.  More water.  More whole grains.  More healthy proteins.   Also, I've weighed myself & I've gained about 2.5 pounds since last week.  I don't know much about pregnancy but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to gain that much in my 5th week.. in a matter of a handful of days.   I think it's because of all the unhealthy stuff I was scarfing down, not necessarily the pregnancy.  I mean, the baby is the size of a sesame seed, for goodness sake!!

So now I'm getting back on track.  I am eating right.  I just walked this morning on the treadmill for 30 minutes.  And I have received my prenatal workout DVDs.  I did the upper body & post-workout stretch portion of this DVD & my arms feel slightly sore today.  I love that feeling.  

Also, I'm cleaning house!!  I am known as being a slight hoarder.  I don't think I am, but it may seems so since we live in such a teeny, tiny house.  Maybe I'll take pictures & will upload to show the final look once I'm all done rearranging & getting rid of things that I no longer need/use. 

This all can feel overwhelming at times, and I don't really know if I'm doing things the "right way", but I'm trying.  I do slightly overanalyze every movement & everything I eat, which might not be a bad thing.. but I don't want it to hinder my ability to enjoy this time in my life.  I want to soak it all up like a sponge & live in the now every second of this pregnancy.  I need to just relax & enjoy the ride.. and hopefully it remains a rather smooth one.. otherwise, be sure to have a box of Kleenex in the restroom next to the toilet.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oh, baby!!!!

September 13, 2013
This morning, at around 5am, Sergio was getting ready for work...   Wait...   Let's rewind a little.

Earlier this week, I was a little concerned because my (beware: girl talk here) period was pretty much nonexistent.  It was really light & lasted only 2 days.   That's pretty strange for me.  I did feel some cramps and my breasts were feeling extremely sore.  I googled it & some sites said it could be caused by a number of things including stress &/or possibly pregnancy.  I joked around saying I was pregnant.  I mean, I just got married 3 weeks ago!!  What are the odds that it happened that quickly?!
There's a Pay-Per-View fight going on this weekend and we're probably going to be watching it at a friend's house, but last night,  Sergio said that I needed to take a pregnancy test to make sure I wasn't; otherwise, when we go to see the fight, he wouldn't let me drink any alcohol.   I decided to go ahead & purchase a test on the way home from school.  I was going to do the test as soon as I got home.. but the instructions specifically said to do it with the "first urine" of the day.

Okay.. now back to this morning. When Sergio was getting ready for work this morning, I jumped out of bed & went directly to the restroom to pee on the stick.  I then walked out & paced back & forth with our doggies by the dining table, which wasn't too far from the restroom, waiting for the results.  Serg was standing right there in the restroom, looking down at it on the sink.  Then, after a few minutes, he yelled out, "YEEEAAAAHHH!".    I froze & asked, "Oh my gosh.. What?!!"...  I blacked out after that but I think he said something along the lines of "we're having a baby."

I ran over to the restroom, looked at the results on the stick, and then started to cry a little.  He asked if I was sad, & in a faint, shaky voice, I looked up at him & said, "No.  Scared."  Within a few seconds, I calmed down.  With a big smile, Serg kissed me goodbye & left to work.  I then lay down on the bed & couldn't sleep so I texted the news to my two closest friends, Anai & Steph, & then started looking on Amazon for pregnancy workout DVDs & stretch mark creams. 

Since, I've had a couple big cries...  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not sad in the slightest.  I'm just scared.  This is unknown territory for me.   I want to be sure I don't mess up.  I want to eat the right things & read all that I can & be the best mommy.  Even that word "mommy" makes me tear.  I'd like to blame the pregnancy for these sensitive emotions.. but no - That's just me.  And now just think of how much worse it's going to get!!    Maybe I should be more scared for Serg than myself. 

After some time, I decided to get ready for work..  While doing so, Steph texted & asked when I was going to go to a doctor to have it confirmed.  I was able to find a clinic literally down the street from my house..  I gave them a call & went in before I headed off to work.  I walking into the office, filled out a short form, peed in a cup, and two minutes later, they confirmed the news, stating that the test came out "POSITIVE".

Now I have an appointment set up for a week & a half from now to do a thorough check & to determine the due date and all that jazz.  Crazy to think that we just wed three weeks ago!!  I had said that once we get married, we'll have a baby.   I just didn't know it would happen so soon!!! 

I gotta say:  Sergio & I have known each other for over half my life.. & we had many hardships &  reunions..  I never knew how or why it kept happening & where my life was leading to.. but it seems like I can finally see the plan that God had for us all along.  Everyday, I am reminded of what a blessed life I live...  but I am especially reminded today.  

I welcome this new chapter in life with open arms.. 

Oh, baby!! Friday the 13th...  You really threw me for a loop this time.  :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Penelope the panda

We got ourselves a new addition to the mini family we call our own!!!  Her name is Penelope but we call her "Penny".   Serg's bro's dogs had a litter of pups & we picked this one to take home.  She's so freakin' cute.  She kind of resembles a little panda with the placement of the black fur on her. 
I didn't think it would happen, but I've grown so attached to her.  Freddie is having a bit of a hard time adjusting since he's been the only dog for about 5 years now.  He doesn't really know how to socialize with other canines.  I'm not sure if he even knows he's a dog & not human!!  But he's slowly getting more comfortable & acquainted with her.

She's cute
And weird (sleeps upside-down like this sometimes)
But I absolutely adore her.  :)


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Who knew blogging took so much hard work & dedication??

Okay... So I admit it.  I'm TERRIBLE at this blogging stuff.  But... I am not a quitter.  I am going to get this right.  Once again, it looks like I need to do an update post. 

SO MUCH HAS GONE ONE SINCE MY LAST POST IN JANUARY.  Mainly, I'VE GOTTEN MARRIED!! Sergio & I took the plunge a couple weeks ago on August 23rd at the San Francisco City Hall.  I'm afraid we didn't utilize the beauty of the building and all of it's amazing architecture in our photos though.    We might need to go back and take some more pictures there just because the place is THAT gorgeous.  

The ceremony was at 3pm on Friday, August 23rd., 2013

The reception dinner followed at a nearby restaurant called "Limon Rotisserie".   (It's a Peruvian restaurant.  The food was soooo yummy.  I was worried since I had never been there prior to that day and since some of our guests had never had Peruvian before.  BUT.. it was a hit.  Everyone loved the food.  I definitely want to go there again.)

We stayed at a hotel called the "Lombard Motor Inn".  The prices were pretty decent at $155/night.  Most hotels in the city were priced a lot higher.  Also, a plus was that it had it's own parking area.  Finding parking in the city is near impossible so I appreciated that amenity the hotel provided. (FYI.. You'd think hotels would provide parking but I found out, no, that's not the case with lots of the hotels around there.) 

Here are some pictures,,
(Photo credit: Isa Beltran from I.m. Qute Photography)


And some more of the ceremony and the celebrating later that night..
Photo credit: Chris Gonzales from Roots Exposure Photography

We just love my nephew.. We take care of him in such a way, I think people assume he's our kid.

My BFF's daughter along with my friend, Lu's, daughters.

The cool neck tie I got him. <3

Our wedding favors: wine w/ customized labels and a wine glass with a heart shaped bottle stopper. (ANNND by looking up the link to the Etsy product right now, I found out the owner of the shop liked my customized design so much that she added the exact design to her items to sell, and she used a picture of my exact label on the product info. I feel famous.) LOL
These photos are from the Etsy shop.


My two closest friends: My BFF Anai & Steph.

We LOVE to laugh!!

Serg takes his karaoke seriously.

And so do I. =p


Steph & I started crying.

Then EVERYONE started crying. =)

The next day, Saturday, 08/24/13, we spent it doing some sight seeing.  Hung out with a family a little.

That night we met with some more friends and bar hopped again near Columbus & Broadway.  Next time I go to SF, I am definitely going to check out this spot again.  So full of life!  I love the city.  I love people & music & noise.  This area fit me perfectly.

I ran into THREE generations of Michael Jackson.

Thennnnn.. On Sunday, 08/25/13, Sergio, Chris, and I went to the 49ers vs. Vikings game.  Sergio is a die hard Vikings fan.  We went tailgating which was soo much fun.  And Lu & Anai joined us for the game.


We stayed that night at my best friend's house & then drove home that Monday, the 26th.  It was an amazing weekend and we are so lucky to have friends and family who were willing and able to make the trip to celebrate it with us. 

I'm so excited for this new chapter in our lives.  And I'm feeling so blessed to have such a loving, caring, hardworking man by my side for the ride.  I love you, Love. 







Friday, January 11, 2013

Go Green!

     Some time ago, I watched a movie called Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead which documented a guy's journey while juicing for 60 days.  After that, I was sold! I wanted to juice!  Then I heard that it is quite the task to clean a juicer.  Also, much of the nutrients like the pulp & stuff get stuck inside the juicer which just doesn't seem very beneficial to me.  I was told by a couple people about just using a blender instead.  I looked online & stumbled upon what's called "green smoothies".   These are smoothies that incorporate spinach &/or kale with fruit and other things like juices & yogurts.  I made one yesterday.  I liked it.  Then again, I'm not picky.  SO I decided to make one for Sergio.  He can be quite the picky eater (most often when it comes to healthy stuff) so, therefore, I used him as my guinea pig.  I put the strawberry, blackberry, & spinach smoothie in a dark cup with a lid & straw in it.  He drank it all within a minute or two.  Absolutely LOVED IT!!! He then opened the cup.. & yelled out, "What the?! This drink was green??? It tasted red!".

     Back to the moral of this post.  Since I'm trying to lose a few pounds, I think I'm going to have one as a meal replacement everyday.  Even after I reach my goal weight, I plan on continuing to have one daily because it does provide so many servings of fruits & veggies in one small glass.  I'm excited to find new recipes! Also, I'm excited for next month.  Serg said he'll buy me a "high-powered blender" in a couple weeks because my blender just ain't cutting it (literally). 

On my current wishlist...